
your options in a child's education

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your options in a child's education

As a parent, there are so many decisions that need to be made about your child's education. Do you want your kids to attend public school, private school, or do you want to home-school them? What are your options? What will benefit your child and your family the most? Scroll through my site to find a ton of information that can assist you in making this big decision. Here, you will find all of the resources that I have used to make the decision about what I did for my children to ensure that they are getting the most from the years they spend in the educational system.

A Parents Guide To Navigating The Journey Through Teen Addiction

Finding out their teen is struggling with addiction is often one of the greatest fears parents will encounter. Parents may feel overwhelmed and wonder where to begin if they suspect their teen may have a problem. Knowing what signs to look for and how to handle the situation if you suspect your child is addicted is important in getting your child the treatment and care they need for recovery. 

Awareness matters

Every parent can benefit from learning about teen addiction whether their child is showing signs of addiction or not. Unfortunately, many parents only begin to learn about teen addiction when it occurs. Taking the necessary steps to educate yourself about teen addiction can help you feel less overwhelmed should the situation arise, and it can also help you to be there for other parents who may have a teen who is addicted.

Know the symptoms

Signs of addiction can include both physical and behavioral changes and may often be chalked up to normal teenage behavior. Physical changes may include bloodshot eyes, weight loss, extreme fatigue, excessive sleeping, enlarged pupils, rapid heart rate, runny nose, shaking of hands, slurred speech, and chest pain. Behavioral signs to look for include aggression, outbursts of anger, lying, stealing money, destruction of property, changing friends, breaking curfews, self-isolation, and failing grades in school.

Learn about intervention

Learning how to approach your teens if you suspect they may be suffering from an addiction is vital in getting them the help they need. Parents may lecture or lash out at their teens in anger and disbelief. Parents may also try to cover up their child's addiction or make excuses for it because they feel embarrassed by it.

If you feel your teen is addicted, communicate love and concern about their condition and express your willingness to help them get the treatment they need for recovery. Agree to attend counseling with them, establish healthy boundaries, report any threats or acts of violence to the authorities, and do not let them talk you out of their need for counseling.

All parents can benefit from knowing the signs and symptoms of teen addiction. Even if you never think your teen will struggle with an addiction, educating yourself about it will help you be prepared if the situation arises in the future. Knowledge about teen addiction can help you be alert to subtle or early signs of addiction so you can get your child the intervention necessary to get their life back on track.

Reach out to a teen addiction recovery program to learn more.